An on-line way to offer gifts to support Saint Peter’s financial needs.
First we used Simply Giving. Simply Giving, as you know, allows SPLC members to set up automatic monthly gifts to the church, released from the member bank account and received by Saint Peter, and acknowledged in our giving reports. Now we are adding GivePlus to our choices for electronic giving tools. We will still continue to use Simply Giving and Envelopes.
Automatic gifts enable Saint Peter to anticipate regular, periodic offerings and better manage our cash to meet operating and mission commitments. They help you avoid catch-ups, and enable responses to sudden needs.
GivePlus is an on-line web-based tool, like Simply Giving, and offered by the same company, Vanco. GivePlus allows for more active engagement by members, and for giving by visitors. Members and Guests log in, through the Saint Peter website, and into the secure Vanco portal. They choose one or more specific financial needs of Saint Peter, and designate a gift. The gift is released from the bank account chosen by the giver, and received by Saint Peter. The gifts can be to the general operating fund, or other listed needs. The gifts can be one-time, or repeating. A confirming email is sent back to affirm the connection and offering.
***NEW** To pay with a credit card, click the link below, Select Fund, Enter Amount and click Next.
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