- News
Ordination Service 8/26/23
Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. We are delighted to announce that Robin Johnson has chosen to...
50th Anniversary
Can you believe it? Saint Peter Lutheran Church will be 50 years old this coming December, so weR...
You’re invited to come on into our “inner sanctum” (ok, conference room) and ̶...
Wonderful Wednesdays
From September through May, everyone is invited to casual Wednesday night worship followed by a soup...
VBS Success!
Time sped by this summer as VBS week arrived and flew away just as quickly amidst a torrent of fun a...
Handbell Choir
The handbell choir celebrated the finish of a busy year in May 2023, performing on Mother’s Da...
2023 Giving Garden
The Giving Garden is enjoying its second full season this year, and the giving just gets better. Sin...
Pastor Wade Installation
With much anticipation, several committees at Saint Peter pulled out the stops for Pastor Wade Brink...
Ladies at Tea
Fascinators and fancy hats, friendship, fun, and food presided at the first annual Ladies’ Aft...