Ordination Service 8/26/23

Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

50th Anniversary

Can you believe it? Saint Peter Lutheran Church will be 50 years old this coming December, so we’re going to celebrate on December 7th, 2023.

As we prepare for the celebration, we’re looking for photos, newspaper articles, or other information related to important happenings throughout the life of the church. Items of interest might include celebrations, baptisms, confirmations, weddings, or youth group events. If you or someone you know might have these items of interest or know where we might locate them, please contact us and include “Anniversary Info” in the subject line. We’re pretty sure there are wedding and baby albums scattered thither and yon that can attest to the many happy occasions that took place at SPLC.

Meanwhile, take a look at this history of our church.

What Do Lutherans Believe?

Lutherans believe in the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Lutherans confess God as Father and creator of the universe.

Lutherans confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The Good News of Jesus Christ is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, human beings can be reconciled to God.

Lutherans believe that the Holy Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens, sanctifies, and keeps the whole Christian church on earth.

Lutherans believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the written Word of God. Inspired by God’s Spirit speaking through their authors, they record and announce God’s revelation centering in Jesus Christ. The Bible is the inspired Word of God and the authoritative source and norm of the church’s proclamation, faith, and life.

Lutherans believe that all human beings are born in sin and can not live the life God intends for us on our own. We believe that we are justified by grace through faith on account of Christ.

Lutherans understand that God comes to us through the Means of Grace, the Word of God and the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion. Through them, God helps us understand and receive the benefits of a relationship with Him. God graciously speaks to us through the Law, what we need to do; and the Gospel, what He has done for us.


You’re invited to come on into our “inner sanctum” (ok, conference room) and “wade” into a beautiful Bible study about Philippians.

Starts: Late August
When: Sundays at 9:45 a.m.
Place: Church Conference Room
Leader: Rev. Wade Brinkopf


Through July and the first part of August, Rev. Peter Varvaris is leading a Bible Study on Ephesians. The study takes place in the Church Conference Room on Sundays between services, starting at 9:45 a.m. So grab your coffee quick and join in!

The Chosen, Season 2

If you’re a big fan of The Chosen, or maybe you loved Season 1 and began having questions about Season 2, we have a great resource for you. Pastor Jason hosted a Bible Study earlier in 2023 to watch each episode and discuss the parts that are Biblical, the parts that might be supported by what was known about the time, and other parts that are pure fiction.

While the study has ended, a PDF version of the episode worksheets is available from Pastor Jason. Feel free to contact the church and request your copy. If you have questions about some aspects of The Chosen, you might even want to set aside a little time to chat with Pastor Jason and get his thoughts on the subject.

If you’ve never had an opportunity to watch The Chosen, that’s fine too! Pastor Jason has a copy you can borrow.

The Chosen Bible Study

Can I Designate Where My Offering Goes?

There are lots of questions about tithing today, including whether it’s still relevant to New Testament believers, or whether we should just give as we feel able. The main point when it comes to your giving is that you do it as a “cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

Some would say everything we have belongs to God, and that we are responsible for maintaining our church community (buildings, personnel, upkeep) separately, or over and above, gifts or what you might think of as tithing. We’ll call it an offering.

Whether you believe only in tithing, only in offerings, or a mixture of the two, another question you might ask is, do I need to give all of my offering to the support of the church, or can I stipulate where my offering should be used? If I want to support education in Haiti or the scholarship fund, is that over and above my offering and/or tithe?

If we understand that we are responsible for our church community, we can prayerfully determine an annual budget that seems an appropriate portion for your family to give for church support. We can then prayerfully decide on other amounts to give toward efforts that you want to support, and then we can give additional gifts throughout the year as our hearts lead, such as throwing some cash in the basket during a Wonderful Wednesday meal.

In terms of church financial planning (and yes, this is a responsibility of the church), Saint Peter provides an opportunity for members to consider and stipulate not only financial gifts but also gifts of time and talent. This occurs at the end of each year with a checklist called the Time – Talent – Treasure form. There you can commit to the ways in which you plan to give and areas in which you are interested in sharing your talents.

Several members give through tax-deferred 401k disbursements or Thrivent contributions. More information about these options is available from the Finance Secretary. Just submit the contact form and ask for a meeting.

The envelope box you receive each year has multiple options to give to other ministries. You can also write on any envelope to direct your gift to a specific fund or effort, and include a note in the memo field on your check.

Here are just a few areas you can give to at Saint Peter:

  • Haiti fund for the education of two children
  • Southport Oak Island Interfaith Church (SOIIFC) Food Pantry
  • Moretz Scholarship
  • Other scholarships, such as for Lutherock Summer Camp and various adult workshops during the year
  • Debt Reduction (the Columbarium debt is the only one remaining)
  • Winter Warmup Coat Collection
  • Brunswick County Backpack Program
  • Funeral Fund (for families who are unable to pay honorariums)

If you’re wondering about the best place to give additional gifts, scholarships are a worthy area that is not as well-funded as it once was, whereas we are blessed to have no real debt within the church. Again, you can discuss your thoughts and concerns about giving by contacting the church and requesting a meeting with the Financial Secretary.

Shepherds and Shepherding

I just finished reading a book that was handed to me by one of our lead shepherds. It is entitled, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. The author’s name is W. Phillip Kellner. In short, he was a shepherd in one of his previous lives. He told a story of shepherding as he felt it related to Psalm 23, David’s authorship of the Psalm, and David’s work as a shepherd centuries ago. It was a good read; not too dense or difficult. Our lead shepherds have copies if you’d like to read it. I want to share a quote with you this week from A Shepherd Looks.

“In looking back over my own life, in the light of my love and care for my sheep, I can see again and again a similar compassion and concern for me in my Master’s management of my affairs. There were events which at the time seemed like utter calamities; there were paths down which He led me that appeared like blind alleys; there were days He took me through which were well night black as night itself. But all in the end turned out for my benefit and my well-being.

“With my limited understanding as a finite human being I could not always comprehend His management executed in finite wisdom. With my natural tendencies to fear, worry, and ask “why,” it was not always simple to assume that He really did know what He was doing with me. There were times I was tempted to panic, to bolt, and to leave His care. Somehow, I had the strange, stupid notion I could survive better on my own. Most men and women do.

“But despite this perverse behavior I am so glad He did not give up. I am so grateful He did follow me in goodness and mercy. The only possible motivation was His own love, His care and concern for me as one of His sheep. And despite my doubts, despite my misgivings about His management of my affairs, He has picked me up and borne me back again in great tenderness.

“…There is a positive, practical aspect in which my life in turn should be one whereby goodness and mercy follow in my footsteps for the well-being of others.

“Just as God’s goodness and mercy flow to me all the days of my life, so goodness and mercy should follow me, should be left behind me as a legacy to others wherever I may go.” (Kellner 155-156, 157)

Did you know that we have a Shepherding Program here at Saint Peter? Did you know that we are striving to have this sort of legacy within our church; between neighbors, reaching out into community? Did you know that you can participate in our Shepherding Program? You can help! Come find out how! May our work for the Lord be strong!

Pr. Wade

Click here to send a message to Pastor Wade

Wonderful Wednesdays

From September through May, everyone is invited to casual Wednesday night worship followed by a soup supper, all of which is fondly known as Wonderful Wednesdays. During this time we may try new service styles or learn new songs. We use a special songbook and service format to just explore new ways of spending time with each other and our Lord.

Soup suppers are potluck-style, with members signing up to provide their favorite homemade soups and breads. Ok, sometimes you may notice a not-homemade soup or bread, but we welcome all culinary experiences to the Wonderful Wednesday format.

So get out your cookbook or look around at local options and get ready to wow us with your taste sensations. And get ready to be wowed. Wonderful Wednesdays are great like that. Bet you can’t wait for September.

VBS Success!

Time sped by this summer as VBS week arrived and flew away just as quickly amidst a torrent of fun and activities. More than 60 children, both local and visiting the area, joined staff and a giant group of volunteers at Saint Peter Lutheran Church for Babylon: Daniel’s Courage in Captivity.

Each day brought with it a Bible verse about how God is always with us when we’re experiencing strange new circumstances, when we’re afraid, and especially when we feel lost and alone. We heard from Daniel about his experiences as he faced dire challenges and watched his friends thrown into the fiery furnace. Babylonian artisans invited the children to sample crafts like print-making and building treasure chests. Above all, we learned the value of friendship and faith.

At the end of our time together, we celebrated with a meal and learned new songs. The week culminated in a demonstration for the parents with a song and tribe cheers, and a playtime outside on the giant slide. Click here for a slide show.

Handbell Choir

The handbell choir celebrated the finish of a busy year in May 2023, performing on Mother’s Day for both services. Leader Cynthia Ledbetter reported that she was thrilled with the ringers’ progress in the few years since the choir was created. During the summer break she has sent the bells out for maintenance, and is looking forward to a shiny new year of ringing ensemble pieces beginning in September.

2023 Giving Garden

The Giving Garden is enjoying its second full season this year, and the giving just gets better. Since construction began in the fall of 2021, the garden has expanded with additional raised beds each spring. This year we have five beds solely devoted to several species of tomatoes, including cherry and heirloom. In the other beds we’re growing eggplant, collard greens, carrots, runner beans, radishes, and more.

Pastor Wade Installation

With much anticipation, several committees at Saint Peter pulled out the stops for Pastor Wade Brinkopf’s installation ceremony on June 25, 2023. The church began the day with a Unity service so all members could enjoy the event as one body.

The service was presided over by Reverend Jonathan Conrad, chair of the Synod’s Campus Ministry Team and Senior Pastor of Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church in Wilmington. Our Church President, J. Taylor Ryan, issued the formal invitation to serve Saint Peter Lutheran Church in the capacity of Associate Pastor. Pastor Jason Huebner and the congregation then joined in, pledging their support to Pastor Wade.

The ceremony was followed by a reception with tents and outdoor seating planned by Dan Sees and prepared by the members of the Property Committee, and a fabulous menu developed by Ann Larson and prepared by the members of the Fellowship Committee. After starting everyone off with shrimp cocktail, members selected from a buffet menu of pulled pork, chicken salad, Waldorf salad, and salmon followed by cupcakes topped with white chocolate decorations. Everyone received keepsakes featuring Pastor Wade’s favorite Bible verse, Romans 8:32.

Click here to view a slideshow of the event.

Ladies at Tea

Fascinators and fancy hats, friendship, fun, and food presided at the first annual Ladies’ Afternoon Tea. The event was organized by the Fellowship Committee and spearheaded by Connie Zaenglein and Keidra Koenig. The inaugural event took place on Saturday, May 20, 2023. Ladies from both services joined together at a most elegant English Tea Party.

They discovered tables adorned with vintage tea sets, two types of tea, and the best part of tea – fancy sandwiches and treats. After the sandwiches, the ladies enjoyed a compote filled with assorted spreads, as well as scones and other mini desserts. The conversation was plentiful throughout the meal. Tea time wrapped up on a high note; a raffle for six vintage teacups donated by John Schroeder.

This springtime event was so successful, we’re looking forward to tea time every year! What a fitting finale to the monthly ladies’ luncheons that take place at various area restaurants beginning in September. Click here to view photos from the 2023 event.